About us

Dyslexia Friendly Schools is a collaborative Erasmus+ KA210SCH project between four partner countries -Spain, Bulgaria,Türkiye, and Romania. Our aim is to promote and support the implementation of inclusive practices for students with dyslexia in schools. As a team, we believe in the power of education to create a more inclusive and supportive environment for students with dyslexia. Through our project, we strive to raise awareness about dyslexia and provide teachers with the necessary tools to create a dyslexia-friendly learning space for their students. With our diverse backgrounds and expertise, we are dedicated to making a positive impact in the education system and ensuring that all students, regardless of their learning differences, have equal opportunities to succeed.

  • Teacher Training: Our project offers specialized training for teachers on how to identify and support students with dyslexia in the classroom.
  • Parent Workshops: We offer workshops for parents to increase their understanding of dyslexia and provide strategies for supporting their child's learning at home. 
  • Resource Sharing: Through our project, we aim to create a network of dyslexia-friendly schools and share resources, best practices, and success stories among our partner countries.
  • Awareness Campaigns

 Dyslexia Friendly Schools is a project that was initiated by four partners from Bulgaria, Spain, Turkey, and Romania. These partners recognized the need for more inclusive and supportive educational environments for students with dyslexia. Through their experience and expertise in the field, they came together to develop a project that would promote dyslexia-friendly practices in schools. With a strong belief in the importance of inclusive education, the partners have been working together to create a platform for sharing and implementing effective strategies and methods for supporting students with dyslexia. The project aims to raise awareness, provide training, and develop resources to help schools become more dyslexia-friendly and inclusive.

  • Project Launch Event: This event marked the official start of our Erasmus project, where all 4 partners came together to introduce themselves and discuss the goals and objectives of the project.
  • Teacher Training Workshop: As part of our project, we organized a teacher training workshop to educate educators on how to create a dyslexia-friendly learning environment and how to support students with dyslexia in the classroom.
  • Student Exchange Program: We organized a student exchange program where students from each other
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